About Us

The Anola Community Club originated in 1967 and was later rebuilt in 2010 to expand the facilities. This was made possible by the amazing efforts from the community as a whole. The new hall was added to create a much-needed social space for bookings and local programs.

The club today is a volunteer-run building owned by the RM of Springfield. The Volunteer Board of Directors works hard every day to make sure everyone is given a safe space to come together and spend their time, from our Soccer programs, Youth Dances, Breakfast with Santa, Craft Sales and of course our Fall Dinner there is always something going on at the Club to be a part of.

Our Facilities

The site holds multiple soccer fields, baseball diamonds, an outdoor rink and a brand-new youth playground. At this time, the Anola Community Club is home to Selo Ukrainian Dancers, Anola Play and Learn and Springfield Learning Centers Inc. Before and After School program.

We are always open to hosting more programs, so please feel free to contact us if you would like more information on running your program out of the community club or have any questions. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in volunteering for you community? We are always looking for a helping hand! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or in completing your hours, please contact us at the button below.

Want to sponsor a space at the community club?

Contact us for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Club hosts events such as youth dances, our Annual Fall Dinner, Annual Craft Sale, Breakfast with Santa and our Halloween events.

    Programs such as Anola Play and Learn, Selo Ukranian dancing and Springfield Learning Centres Before and After school program are a regularly scheduled.

    Private events can also be booked for the club such as weddings, socials, showers, birthdays, and more.

    Contact us today for more information or any questions you may have.

  • To view the availability for the date and time of your event, please visit our events page here.

    To request a booking for the hall, please visit the Hall Rental page here.

  • The community club holds up to 300 people. For full details on the hall and to view an interactive tour of the inside, please visit our Hall Rental page here.

Policies and Procedures

Name & Location:
The “Anola and District Community Club” shall be known as “The Anola Community Club” (ACC), or the “Club” located at 35085 MB Hwy 15, Anola Manitoba.

Our Mission is to provide recreational, social and cultural activities to the community from the youngest to the oldest community member, with no affiliation with any racial, religious or political organization and without bias.

Club Access;

1.     All Family Fees are valid for the term of one fiscal year, (January 1 to December 31 of the same year) for all specified functions.

2.     All members of the Board of Directors (“the Board”) shall be provided with a Family Fee to the Club free of charge so long as they remain on the Board.

3.     The Board may at any time suspend or remove a person from Club property who has breached any of  the rules and regulations set by the club.

4.     A paid Family Fee is required to participate in any Anola Community Club programs of the Club.

5.     All participants shall abide by all regulations and guidelines set by the Club.

6.     Any charge of abuse of regulations and guidelines shall be submitted in writing to the Board.

a.     The Executive shall notify the accused person of the charges and inform them that the President of the Board will address them at the next monthly meeting.

b.     The accused person shall have the opportunity to defend the accusation to the Board and will be given notice of the next meeting date and time.

c.     The Board shall then decide the course of action to be taken, which may include suspension,  cancellation, or reinstatement of access to the club property and programs.


Family Fees:

  1. Cost of a Family Fee is $35.00. This cost is to help with maintaining costs of the club along with program funding.

  2. Once a Family Fee is paid this will allow participants to register for as many programs as they wish during the fiscal year.

  3. Family Fee amounts will be set annually at the Anola Community Club’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) held the first week of February every year.

  4. A fee of $45.00 will be added to the total of any NSF cheques cashed by the Club.  It will be the responsibility of the Director of the Program that accepted the cheques to either suspend/deny privileges and have the individual reimburse the Club the original amount plus the NSF charge in cash.



Program Registration/Bond Cheques:

  1. If you oversee a registration where a Family Fee will be included, you must:

i.     Prepare a proposal stating the Program timeline and requirements.
ii.     Inform the Board of dates, time, and requirements (if any).
iii.    Prepare all paperwork for the Program registration.
iv.    Volunteer hours must be completed by December 31 of the fiscal year.  It is up to the volunteers to make sure that their hours are completed. (SELO program will be from September 1st to August 31st the following year based on their program timing).

      Bonds will not be refunded after the above noted dates.

v.     Bonds of $50 are to be paid up front at time of registration and reimbursed by the club upon completion of 4 hours. A $100.00 buy-out will be provided if volunteer hours wish to be paid out.

vi.     Inform all members of the Community, that bond feeds are required at the time of registration and will be reimbursed upon completed hours.


Executive Position Descriptions:


The President is the leader of the Club and is there to ensure the Club is run efficiently administratively, financially, and socially to support the efforts of the Club. Be aware of all current and future Club activities. Represents the Club at local and regional levels. On most occasions act as Chairperson at Club meetings unless there has been a Chairperson appointed. Works with the Secretary to prepare and report for the AGM. Prepares Grant Applications and Contracts in reference to Club materials and requirements along with the Vice-President. Act as one of three signing authorities on the Bank account and on signing documents. The President will provide leadership but does not direct the Board.  Ensures there is fair discussion on each issue and that all points are expressed before a decision is reached.  Keeps the meeting moving in the desired direction. Be firm, but tactful, with members deviating from the point under discussion. After adequate discussion on an issue, impartially summarizes the points of view expressed, both for and against, to make sure members know clearly what they will be voting or agreeing to. Runs the meeting so that a balance is struck between speed and efficiency on the one hand and keeping the meeting enjoyable on the other. Starts the meetings on time.  Attempts to get all members to contribute to the meeting.  Orients the incoming President


Vice President

Acts in the absence of the Chairperson.  Services on the Executive Committee. Learns and understands the duties of the Chairperson and keeps informed on key issues. Works closely as a consultant and advisor to the President. Orients the incoming Vice-President.  Assists with Grant Applications and Contracts in reference to Club materials and requirements.  Assists the Board with proposals, funding requirements and provides advice and assistance.  Responsible for identifying and making applications pertinent to funding sources.  Acts as the principal liaison with Program Directors.



The Treasurer will be responsible for maintaining accounting records, have financial records audited annually, act as a signing officer for cheques, and make sure all expenses are paid. The Treasurer will be in charge of picking up and maintaining the mail correspondence.   A report will be provided at each monthly meeting and a full report at the AGM.  Orients incoming Treasurer.



Ensures that copies of the organization’s by-laws; Board Policy Statement; list of officers, Board members, and committees are available for easy access.  Notifies the Board of meetings including sending Agenda; minutes and any other relevant documents to the Board at least 1 week prior to the meeting.  Keeps accurate records of Board attendance; minutes of meetings; motions and decisions and correct the same as required.  In the absence of the Chairperson/President and Vice-Present, chairs the Board meetings until the election of an alternate President.  Orients incoming Secretary.



  • The role of the Chairperson is the responsibility of the President unless otherwise noted and affects the direction of the meeting by incurring the following:

  • Presides at all meetings on time or appoint the Vice-President in their absence.

  • Enforces Parliamentary Rules of Order (Roberts Rules of Order).

  • Becomes familiar with the Club By-Laws, Policies & Procedures.

  • Acts fairly, in good faith, and without malice or prejudice.

  • Restates all motions enacted and has final vote on the motion.

  • Assists Board members as required in making reports and proposals.

  • Attentive to the ongoing business at hand.

  • Provides leadership and guidance to the Board.

  • Recognizes all addressees to the Chair in a timely fashion.

  • Does not become personally involved in a discussion but may mediate the discussion for the purpose of expediency.

  • Refrains from casting a vote unless required to break a stalemate.

  • Does not make a motion on any topic.



  • Approve, where appropriate, policy and other recommendations received from the Executive

  • Abide all Club by-laws, policies, and procedures.

  • Assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the Board.

  • Remains informed on organizational matters and participates in Board deliberations and decisions in matters of policy, finance, programs and personnel and advocacy.

  • Operate all functions/programs with the best interest of the Community in mind at all times.

  • Show respect to all Board members by attentively listening to others, provide feedback clearly and kindly and to conduct oneself professionally. (e.g.: Robert’s Rules of Order).

  • Floats will be allowed for the kitchen, canteen, middle years, and youth dance Directors.  Floats are to be used to purchase consumable items and prizes for dances.

  • Endeavour to attend all Club meetings.

  • Any Board member must be a director on the board for a minimum of 1 fiscal year from the AGM they were voted in before being allowed to motion for an executive position. If a member is voted in mid-year the member must wait until the next AGM then 1 year before being able to motion for an executive position. During this “wait” time the member must be active in club activities and programs while actively learning how the club is run with respect to each position in the Board.


Directors Responsibilities:

  1. No less than two ACC directors will be responsible for an event. Directors involved with an event will be responsible for the following:

    a)    All monies (including float if applicable), receipts and a report signed by one or more directors (Directors must be 18 in order to handle money) will be submitted at the next scheduled directors meeting.  If you are unable to attend the meeting the submission must be made to one of the executive directors within seven (7) days immediately following that month’s meeting.  All monies handed in must be verified by treasurer.

    b)   Receipts will remain with sole purchases for the club and no personal purchases will be made

  2. ACC will provide a float for expenditures (which must be motioned for and approved by the Board at a monthly meeting prior to the event). All receipts must be printed from a store and may not include any personal purchases. Handwritten or altered receipts will not be accepted – no exceptions.

  3. A detailed report of door receipts, number of participants and sales must be provided.  Any discounts, or “complimentary” passes or giveaways must be accounted for.  Receipts must be issued (and a copy submitted) of all table, booth, display, or hall rentals.

  4. Postdated cheques are not an acceptable form of remittance after an event.

Board Guidelines:

  1. The Board of Directors (“the Board”) consists of four (4) Executive Members and a minimum of 6 Directors. For bills to be paid and motions to be accepted the meetings must meet quorum.  A quorum is 40% of the elected Board plus 1. If at any time the elected Board is smaller than Quorum of 5 a minimum of 5 Board members must be present to move forward with the meeting (definition from Robert’s Rules of Order). 

  2. The Board may, by a majority vote, establish or delete any committee/director or position within the Club’s program.

  3. Members of the Executive shall remain in office for a period of two years unless the following circumstances prevail:

    • Written resignation.

    • An absence of 3 monthly meetings within the election year without just cause, to be determined valid or invalid by the elective agreement of the Board.

    • Any criminal conviction that is in direct conflict with the Club’s constitution, by-laws, or moral obligations.

  4. All Board members (excluding the executive as per above note) must attend all monthly meetings and submit their reports for the monthly meeting. If the Board member is unable to attend, they must let one of the executives know of the absence BEFORE the meeting unless in an emergency for why the meeting is being missed. If a Board member has missed 3 meetings in the fiscal year without notice they may be removed from the board upon majority vote by the remaining board members. The Member will be informed both before the vote and after the conclusion of the vote.

  5. All board members who are removed due to absence will not be allowed to rejoin the Board until the next AGM at which time they must propose why they be voted back onto the Board.

  6. All members of the Board are to abide by the Constitution, By-laws, ACC Code of Conduct, and any other guidelines hereinafter set out by the Board.

  7. All members are to communicate and work with other members of the Board in respect to Program crossovers.

  8. The Board shall have the power to do all things necessary for the successful operation of the Club and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, be empowered to:

a)     Administer the funds of the Club in such manner and for such purposes as it may decide are beneficial to the well-being and advancement of the objectives of the organization, provided that same are not contrary to the general policy of the Club.

b)    To commence any new form of activity or sport considered desirable, or in like manner, to discontinue any form of activity or sport being conducted under the auspices of the Club.

c)     Expel from the Club any person guilty of conduct unbefitting an associate of the Club and/or, if holding office, for failure to properly carry out the duties as such Member and for any infraction of the rules and regulations of the organization.

d)    Accept any resignations from any member of the Club to fill any vacancy occurring for the balance of the term or office, including vacancies in the Board in accordance with procedures as set down for meeting procedures.

e)     To ensure that the Club is operated on a non-political and non-sectarian basis, and that the objects of the Club shall be carried on without financial gain to its members and that any profits or other accumulation of goods shall be used promoting its objectives. (e.g.: No Director shall use the Club or its assets for personal or financial gain.)

f)      No Director shall store personal assets or products within the Club or surrounding area due to liability issues. The Board shall make such rules and regulations regarding the procedure to be followed at Board meetings and regarding the use of the Club facilities, as they may deem necessary.

g)     Any person or member who considers him/herself unjustly treated by the Club may appeal such decision to the Board whose decision will be final.

Conflict Of Interest

  • Conflict of interest means any situation where:

  • The committee member’s personal interests.

  • The interests of a close friend, family member, business associate of the committee member.

  • A company or partnership in which the committee member holds a significant interest, or

  • A person to whom the committee member owes an obligation or may prevent the committee member from acting in the committee’s best interest or prevent the committee member from acting fairly, impartially and without bias on behalf of the Association.



All Board members must arrange his/her private affairs and conduct himself/herself in such a manner to avoid a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.

A committee member may neither:

  • Act on behalf of the committee, or deal with the committee in any matter where the committee member is in a conflict of interest or appears to be in a conflict of interest nor;

  • Use his/her position, office or affiliation with the committee to pursue or advance his/her personal interests or those of a person as described above unless such action, dealing or use of position, office or affiliation is specifically contemplated by a permitted conflict of interest.


Fiscal Year

The Club’s fiscal year shall be described as running from January 1 to December 31 of the same calendar year.


Club Meetings


To provide financial reporting to the Board, to allow Board members to provide monthly directors reports, which will be discussed amongst the Board members.  To monitor projects and issues on an ongoing basis so the Board can focus on future planning and budgeting.




  • The Monthly and Annual meetings are open to all general public, guests and Board.  All persons, who wish to make comments or proposals shall:

  • Register their intentions with the Secretary of the Club, who would provide a time to present at the meeting.

  • Abide by all rules set out within the By-laws and Policies and Procedures.

  • Have their presentation ready to propose under New Business.

  • Be prepared to follow through any proposals or guest proposals.

During regular monthly meetings the Board shall be the only individuals allowed to motion, second and vote on any Director or Guest proposal.


Rules of Conduct:

  • Abide by all By-laws pertaining to the meeting.

  • Attend all meetings as required.

  • Arrive at least 5 minutes prior to scheduled starting time.

  • Be prepared with all necessary materials, reports, and proposals.

  • Review all appropriate materials (e.g.: minutes) in advance.

  • Keep comments, reports, and proposals short and to the point.

  • Refrain from disruptions such as inattention, outbursts, and interruptions.

  • Refrain from straying off the topic at hand.

  • Recognize the opinions and contributions of others.

  • Recognize the democratic process and abide by the decisions of the Board.

  • Respect the position of the Chair.

  • Abide by the decisions of the Chair.


Rights of the Board Members:

  • Recognition by the Chair in a timely fashion, for the topic at hand.

  • Upon recognition by the Chair, to have the opportunity to comment on the business at hand without interruption.

  • Respect of the Board members for personal opinions and contributions.

  • Recognition from the Board members for each one’s directorship or position.

  • To participate in all topics discussed.

  • To vote on all motions brought forth.

  • Directors addressing the Board with a proposed project/program additions/changes or inclusions should have all pertinent factual information ready to present and do so within the allotted 10 minute period.


Rights of the Chair:

  • Be respected in their position of the Chair by the Board members.

  • Appoint recognition to individuals upon proper address to the Chair.

  • Summarize any discussion or motion for the purpose of expediency.

  • Ensure a productive meeting by maintaining order and staying on track.

  • Discipline or eject any individual or group creating a continuous disruption.

  • Has the right to table business for future meetings.

  • Recognize a direct conflict of interest to their position or person and appoint the Chair to the Vice-President (or other executive member).

Program/Event Guidelines:

  • All programs whether external or internal must be willing to accept the authority of the Club’s directorship and follow all Club By-laws and Policies and Procedures.

  • New untried programs may be given incentives by a reduced rate in order to help them succeed in their first year of operation.

  • Each program will be given individual attention as no two programs are alike and what may work well for one may not work for another.

  • The Board will have the right to suspend/cancel a program/rental for reasonable causes. (e.g.: damages to property, inability to resolve problematic situations, individual misrepresented information passed on to the Club.)

  • A Director or appointed person must be present at all club events/programs. Usually it will be the Director in charge of the program that is scheduled. If a Director is unable to attend they must ask another Director to oversee the program in their absence as all programs help provide monies for the operating expenses of the Club. Every effort should be made by the Director to prevent the cancellation of any scheduled function/event/program.

  • Directors' reports are to be submitted to the secretary one week prior to the scheduled monthly meetings via email. The report must include profit/loss as per the events of which they are reporting and in the same month that the event has taken place in order to be verified for the next Board meeting.

  • Float must be returned along with the report separately from the profit/loss

  • All Directors are to present a proposal for Hall Rentals for the June Meeting to renew time slots for Hall usage. It must be brought before the entire Board before the start of the new program year in September in order to ensure continuity of programming. It will be handled on the basis that existing programs will have priority for time slots previously taken as long as they provide their hall rental requests prior to the June meeting

  • Each program director will be responsible for providing advertising information at the monthly meeting.

  • The Director or appointed person will have the responsibility of a cursory cleaning after their event/program for the next event/program between the cleaning days. (e.g.: if kids spill drinks – mop it up; garbage thrown on floor; pick it up). Appearance of the Club will either bring in income or cause the Club to lose money.

Additional Fees:

a) A fee may be charged for the use of the hall for non-club fundraising events to cover the cost of hall expenses (e.g.: heat, lights, etc.) Over and above any additional expenses incurred by the event.

b) A fee of $45.00 will be added to the total of any NSF cheques cashed by the Club. It will be the responsibility of the Director of the Program that accepts the cheques to either suspend/deny privileges and have the individual reimburse the Club the original amount plus the NSF charge in cash.

c) If a cheque cashed has been returned, then the Club has the right to suspend/deny privileges and refuse to accept any further cheques from the individual. Individuals may present to the Board regarding the issue to ask for an exception to the added charge pending explanation of said returned cheques.

To become a Director of a New Program/Function

  1. A proposal must be made describing the program which the person is interested in maintaining/operating using the Club event planner template.

  2. The Program must not interfere with an existing program/function. At the next regular monthly meeting, the person must be nominated by current members of the Board.

  3. The Member must accept the nomination.

  4. Everyone in attendance will vote.

To Put on a Function/Program:

  1. The Director must put forth a proposal to the Board. (Proposal must include a request for a float and how much). Floats must be returned in full at the next monthly meeting following the completion of the event/Function.

  2. The Board will vote on the next course of action.

  3. The Board will be able to put forth suggestions and comments, which may assist the Director regarding things that may have been missed.

  4. Once passed, the Director would discuss particulars with any other member of the Board who may be affected by the Program.

  5. The Director can choose to commission other members from the Board that would be able to assist them in the coordination and operation of the function/program.


  1. Directors will remain with the Treasurer to verify amounts for deposit that they are reporting.

  2. The Treasurer will be available to accept deposit money once a month at the meeting or on an agreed upon time.

  3. There must be 3 executives on the Bank account as signers at all times. This includes President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary. Cheques and Documents will then be signed by any 2 of the 3 current authorities.


Rental Agreements/Understandings

  1. Rental Agreements/Understandings between the Club and Programs and public; both internal and external; will be for the Board to decide if the agreements/understandings will be unlimited in their duration or to be reviewed at specific time periods.

  2. Rental agreements are to be made up for all functions. (To designate person(s) in charge of the function).

  3. It is understood that non-paying rental/programs may be asked to change dates during Hall Rental high volume time periods to accommodate weddings, socials, etc.

  4. A signed agreement must be submitted by rentals, which is to be handled by the Director of Hall Rentals.

  5. Written requests from individuals within the Community for community events are to be advertised on the outside sign and will have to be submitted to the Board at the monthly meetings for approval.

  6. A monthly report from the Hall Director must be reported and submitted at each Monthly meeting.


Club Expenditures

  1. All expenditures other than regular bills (hydro, Phone, Internet, water etc.) will be brought before the Board for their approval at the monthly meetings. All purchases must be pre-approved by the Board.

  2. Every effort should be made to deal with businesses within the community, but cost will always be factored into the decision.

  3. All income and expenses should be deposited and recorded by the Treasurer in the month that they have taken place in order to be able to give an up-to-date Income & Expenses Report. This will allow the Board to prepare a budget for the following year based on the previous year. This will allow the Board to assess on a month-by-month basis the monies needed each month to allow the Club to be able to pay expenses.



The Executive of the Anola Community Club will hire a caretaker/maintenance person based on a contract.  This contract will be reviewed every 2 years at the AGM. This contract will be reviewed as required.  The Executive is to provide direction as needed to the caretaker/maintenance person.  Duties and responsibilities are listed in the contract.

Social Media/Public Relations

Safety Concerns

  1. The Executive reserves the right to cancel at any time an event/program or access to the club should a public safety concern be brought forward. At this time ANY board member or person of the public be made aware of the potential concern the President must be made aware Immediately, should the President not be reachable the Vice-President must be contacted immediately.

  2. Once the Executive is made aware of the situation with all relevant information the remaining executive will be made aware of the concern and a decision will be made on how to handle it. The President can make sole decisions upon an EMERGENCY situation where the club must be immediately vacated, and authorities contacted (For example, a potential Bomb threat).

  3. If the Potential Threat is deemed real then the Board Members of ACC will all be contacted via email to be made aware of the situation and the solution to solve the threat. The Executive will also let any renters, Caretakers, RM and any potential visitors know of the situation to keep all persons safe.

  4. The Executive will also make a notice to be made to the Public should they need to be aware of the situation to avoid the Club property until further details of the situation are deemed safe.

  5. Upon safely resolving the threat the club will be reopened along with all Board Members being informed of the resolution, along with any persons who have access to the club. A full report will be made at the next monthly meeting of the incident with who, what, why and resolution.

  6. If the Potential Threat is deemed not of concern the executive will continue to investigate and a full report will be made at the next monthly meeting as to details why, how, and resolution if needed.

This policy on social media (“policy”) applies to all Anola Community Club executive, board members and volunteers who engage on digital and social media channels that are and are not associated with Anola Community Club.

This policy includes guiding principles that those who are involved with the Anola Community Club must follow when participating on social media channels to limit personal liability when involved in conversations about Anola Community Club and to uphold their personal reputation and the reputation of Anola Community Club. It extends to all forms of social and digital media including, but not limited to, blogs, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr; Instagram, Google and others.

Guiding Principles:

  • To provide authenticity to online contributions and build trust, volunteers should identify themselves on any personal spaces (i.e. blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) and write as though everyone knows who they are.

  • Volunteers are not permitted to set up an Anola Community Club account unless otherwise approved by Anola Community Club Board.

  • Volunteers who are approved to comment on Anola Community Club’s behalf must identify themselves as a Anola Community Club volunteer on their social and digital channels when doing so.

  • Anola Community Club volunteers must never knowingly communicate information that is inaccurate or misleading about the Anola Community Club or its programming or events.

  • All Anola Community Club board members and volunteers and contract volunteers are brand ambassadors, so it is important that they carry the same professionalism and standards that they would at work onto social media platforms. Volunteers are encouraged to be respectful of their audience. They should not post any material that is obscene or any defamatory comments, including ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenities, and threats or discuss topics that may be considered objectionable and/or inflammatory.

  • Volunteers contacted by the media through social media channels must pass the request immediately to the President.


  1. An honorarium will be received for the following duties: Bartender at a rate of $20.00 an hour and set up and take down at a flat rate of $200.  When these duties are required, by a hall rental agreement they will be discussed at the monthly meeting prior to the event with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice and accepted on a volunteer basis.

  2. Anyone Bartending is there to represent the Anola Community Club and shall not act in any manner which does not put the image of the club first. This includes attire that must be a clean plain black shirt, clean pants, and shoes at all times. No advertising or offensive images may be worn.

  3. Bartenders must show up to the event at minimum 30 minutes ahead of the start of the event to set up the bar and make sure all necessary materials are available.

  4. At any time should the event become out of hand, or an unsafe situation occurs the Hall Director and President must be called and informed of the situation, at this time further actions may be taken to call the authorities, remove individuals from the property, or end the event.

  5. No other remuneration will be provided to a board member as that would be considered a conflict of interest.

*The executive and board jointly will have the right to allow exceptions under extenuating circumstances to the above policies and procedures solely at their discretion.

Anola Community Club
Code of Conduct
Approval Date:
May 2023

Policy Statement:

The Anola Community Club Board members, volunteers, staff and participants have the right to be safe and feel respected, and to enjoy the club and its benefits.  With this right comes the responsibility to uphold the standards of behavior listed below.  The Anola Community Club promotes respectful, inclusive, and healthy living within the Anola and surrounding areas community through this Code of Conduct.

Standards of Behaviour

Board Members

  1. Always act with fairness, honesty, integrity, and openness; respect the opinions of others and treat all with equality and dignity without regard to gender, race, color, creed, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, disability, age, or sexual orientation.

  2. Respect and comply with all Anola Community Club policies and procedures.

  3. Provide a positive and valued experience for those receiving any service from the Anola Community Club.

  4. Demonstrate care and respect for the club property, and the personal property of others.


The Anola Community Club Code of Conduct applies to members, guests, visitors, staff, The Board of Directors, and any other individual using the facilities at all times.  It further applies to any direct or indirect mention, reference, or connection to Anola Community Club through social networking, texting, instant messaging, or similar applications.  Directors who themselves feel they may have violated the Code of Conduct will consult with the President as soon as they are aware of the violation.  If a board member hears of or observes another board member who is, or appears to be, violating the Code of Conduct or any policy will consult with the President and may advise the other board members of this action.


The Human Rights Code states that discriminatory or harassing behavior results from actions directed at specific individuals or groups, which are unwelcome or unwanted; or may be actions which are not directed at a particular individual, but have created a “Poisoned Environment” which is hostile, intimidating or offensive.

The President will investigate any matters in breach of the Code of Conduct, in consultation with the Executive Board Members, if necessary, within 30 days of a complaint.  The party to the allegation will have an opportunity to respond to the allegation.

The outcome of any investigation may include no action (allegation unfounded), a request for resignation or a recommendation to the Board for immediate removal of that board member.

If there is an allegation of violation of the Code of Conduct by the Present or any Executive Board Member the complaint may be taken to the Municipality of Springfield.



Strict observance of the Code is fundamental to the activity and reputation of the Anola Community Club.  It is essential that all Board Members adhere to this code.  Anola Community Club Board of Directors will certify this by signing the Declaration below that they have read and will abide by this Code.

Code of Conduct Declaration:

I,                                                          (please print), have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct of the Anola Community Club and I understand that such adherence is a condition of Board membership.  I understand that a violation of the Code of Conduct may be grounds for immediate removal from the Board of Directors of Anola Community Club.

Signed this                 day of                                     , 20      .

(ACC Director – Signature)